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Sunday of Orthodoxy

Sunday of Orthodoxy Rejoicing today in the triumph of Orthodoxy on this first Sunday of Lent, we joyfully commemorate three events: one event belonging to the past; one event to the present; and one event which still belongs to the future. Whenever we have any feast or joy in the Church, we Orthodox first of all look…

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Forgiveness Sunday

Forgiveness Sunday In the Orthodox Church, the last Sunday before Great Lent – the day on which, at Vespers, Lent is liturgically announced and inaugurated – is called Forgiveness Sunday. On the morning of that Sunday, at the Divine Liturgy, we hear the words of Christ: "If you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also…

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Sunday of the Last Judgement

Sunday of The Last Judgment This Sunday (February 15) is called “Meat-Fare Sunday” because during the week that follows a limited fast – abstention from meat – is prescribed by the Church. In preparing for Great Lent the Church begins now to “adjust” us to the great effort that she will expect from us seven days…

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Theophany 2015

Theophany: The Feast of the Manifestation of God The feast of Epiphany, celebrated on January 6, commemorates the baptism of Christ. In the early Church, Epiphany was a day of baptism and those catechumens who were prepared to enter the Church were baptized on the eve of this feast; for this reason, it is also known…

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Christmas 2014

A Blessed Feast of the Nativity to All! The Nativity Cycle As Orthodox Christians, we begin the celebration of the Nativity of Christ - on December 25 - with a time of preparation. Forty days before the feast of the birth of Our Lord we enter the period of the Christmas Fast: to purify both soul…

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On The Entry of the Theotokos Into the Temple (November 21) It seems thousands of years removed from us, but it was not so very long ago that life was marked out by religious feasts. Although everyone went to church, not everyone, of course, knew the exact contents of each celebration. For many, perhaps even the…

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