
Our Lord, God, and Saviour, Jesus Christ, is the Head of the Church, which is His Body. According to the Scriptures, He alone is the Good Shepherd and the Great High Priest. To Him is due all glory, honour, and worship!
During His earthly ministry, the Lord chose and sent out Apostles – the Twelve (Matthew 10:2, Mark 3:14, Luke 6:12) and the Seventy (Luke 10.1-16). These Apostles in turn ordained Deacons and others for the work of the Kingdom of God. Through the laying on of hands, by the Grace of the Holy Spirit through the Mystery of Holy Ordination, an unbroken link has been maintained in the Orthodox Church – from Jesus Christ until today.
The Bishops of the Church are the successors to the Apostles and carry on the ministry of overseeing Christ’s Holy Church. The Bishop in each territory (called a “Diocese”) ordains Presbyters (also called “Priests“) and Deacons (meaning “Servants”), to assist in leading the Church in each place. These servants of the Church teach, encourage, and support all Orthodox Christians to fulfill their calling to bring the love and healing of God to the world and all Creation.

The Most Blessed Tikhon
Archbishop of Washington, Metropolitan of All America and Canada

The Most Reverend Irénée
Archbishop of Ottawa and the Archdiocese of Canada

The Very Reverend Archpriest Paul Kara
Pastor of the Sign of the Theotokos Orthodox Church