The Sign of the Theotokos Orthodox Church
Annual Stewardship Pledge for the year 2025 AD

“He looked up and saw the rich putting their gifts into the treasury; and he saw a poor widow put in two copper coins. And he said, “Truly I tell you, this poor widow has put in more than all of them; for they all contributed out of their abundance, but she out of her poverty put in all the living that she had.”

—Luke 21:1-4

Your financial support of The Sign for the next year is needed so that we may continue to fulfill, and expand, our mission.
Our multicultural community derives most its budget from parishioners who pledge their financial support and use the weekly envelopes provided.
(Your pledge covers only the routine, ongoing, expenses of our annual budget.)
Please prayerfully consider the amount of financial support you can offer, being as generous as you can be.
Indicate the amount of your pledge on the form, and submit the form.

Pledge Form

 For the year 2025, I pledge the following amount in support of The Sign:

    $ weekly ($ per year)

    Your Pledge pays for these routine expenses:

    Archdiocese of Canada dues, Benevolent Fund, Candles, Charcoal, Incense, Coffee hour supplies, Church telephone, Choir supplies, Cleaning supplies, Cleaning of vestments, Duplicating, Electricity for the Church, Flowers for the Church, Heating for the Church, Insurance for the Church, Office supplies, Rector’s salary, Sunday School supplies, and sundry others . . .